Does Grading Really Help a Student Grow?

When it comes to education, grading has always been a controversial topic. Some people believe that grades are necessary in order to measure a student’s progress and hold them accountable for their work. Schools are implementing gradebook software to track grades as they are deemed important. Others argue that grades can be damaging to a student’s self-esteem and discourage them from learning. So, what is the truth? Does grading really help a student grow?


Pros of Grading in Schools

There is no easy answer to this question. Grading can have both positive and negative effects on a student’s growth. When on the topic of positive effects, that grading can produce, we should be mindful of the following:

Grades Can Help Students Understand Their Learning Progress

In most cases, students are not aware of their learning progress. They do not know what they have learned and what still needs to be improved. However, grades can help students track their progress over time and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This way, they can focus on areas that need improvement and work on becoming better students.

Grades Can Encourage Students to Work Harder

If students are constantly getting bad grades, they will eventually become discouraged and might even give up on school altogether. On the other hand, good grades can be very motivating. They can encourage students to keep working hard in order to maintain their good academic performance.

Grades Can Help Parents Stay Involved in Their Child’s Education

Parents often rely on grades to see how their child is doing in school. If a child is getting good grades, it usually means that they are doing well in their classes and progressing as they should. However, if a child is struggling academically, parents can use their child’s grades as a way to identify the problem and take action.


Cons of Grading in Schools

While grading can have some positive effects, it is important to be aware of the potential negative effects as well. These negative effects include:

Grades Can Discourage Students from Learning

If students are constantly being judged by their grades, they might start to see learning as a competition. As a result, they might be more focused on getting good grades than on actually understanding the material. Additionally, students who do not do well in school might become discouraged and give up altogether.

Grades Can Create Pressure and Stress for Students

The pressure to get good grades can be very stressful for students, especially if they are struggling academically. This stress can lead to anxiety and even depression. The pressure can be very overwhelming for some students and will backfire, if it has not been addressed.

Grades Can Be Used to Punish Students

Unfortunately, grades are sometimes used as a way to punish students. For example, a student might be given a bad grade because they did not complete their homework or because they talked back to the teacher. This is not fair to the student and can damage their self-esteem.


So, does grading really help a student grow? The answer is complicated. Grading can have both positive and negative effects on a student’s growth. It is important to consider all of these effects before making a decision about whether or not to grade students.


Are Grades the Only Factor That Determine Student Success?

There are many different opinions on grading, but there is one thing that everyone can agree on: grades are not the only factor that determines a student’s success in life. There are many other important things to consider, such as a student’s effort, attitude, and willingness to learn. So, while grades may be important, they should not be the only thing that a student focuses on.

Zara Raza is the Head of Marketing at SchoolCues. She earned her Bachelor’s in Business Administration from the University of California, Irvine, in 2019, and has written several blogs on technology, software, marketing, education, business, and more.

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