5 Best G Spot Vibrators, Rated by Pleasure Score

G Spot vibrator, as the name implies, are designed to kill G-spot. They are usually larger than other devices like tablets and come in different shapes to suit the user’s body. Although the main focus of this toy is deep access, it is also flexible enough to be used externally. Our scoring system uses real customer experiences and reviews to rate every aspect of the device to make sure you find the best toy for your needs. We’ve put together a helpful guide to tell you what to look for when selecting an internal vibrator.


Choices of our Top G-Spot Vibrators:


  1. Best in the class: Lelo Mona 2
  2. First runner-up: Art Factory Tiger
  3. Second runner-up (tie): do hot octopus
  4. Second Runner-up (Tie): We Vibe Review
  5. Special mention – the best innovator: the Womanizer duo


What to look for when selecting G-Spot Vibe


Hardness: When it comes to internal vibrators, pressure prevents vibration. To apply internal pressure to the G-Spot, you need a device that is flexible enough to accommodate your body and hard enough to allow you to press harder. Vibration can add an extra sensation and help enhance external use. But when used internally, you are looking for a tool that has the perfect balance of rigidity and flexibility.


Shape, size and angle: Everyone has different body types and there is no such thing as one size fits all. When it comes to the shape and size of your G-Spot vibrator, you really need to experiment to find out what is right for your body. You may know that something with a big curve is better for you than a straight device – there is no right answer. If you are new to this style of vibe, start small and work your way up.


Handle design: How you hold and control your toy is more important than you might think. Pain, anxiety and fatigue of the hands are all things that hinder your pleasure. You want something that will give you precise control while you are comfortable in your hand for a long time. There are so many types it’s hard to say. From Joyce stick style handles to more sophisticated looped handles.


Best in the class: Lelo Mona 2

Designed to hit the G-spot with its body-hugging curved design, the Mona 2 Lelo is pulling out all the stops to create an incredible, medium-sized internal vibrator. Eye-catching and designed with luxury in mind, it provides powerful vibration with excellent battery life. Its size is perfect for both beginners and experts, looking for a great dessert that the majority of consumers will love.


First runner-up: Art Factory Tiger

Art Factory Tiger achieves its high ranking by providing the best features throughout the board. Powerful vibrations and textured shafts are controlled by ergonomic handles and packaged in this magnificent waterproof device. With a body that strikes a good balance between rigidity and flexibility, it can easily maintain vigorous movements, giving you complete control. Tiger does not fail at anything and takes the lead, making it a safe choice for those who are not yet experienced enough to know what they need and what they do. Is perfect for


Second runner-up (tie): do hot octopus

Sometimes there is a difference in size and the hot octopus Corvi proves it. Its length and scope are designed to provide a deep, filling entry that touches your deepest places of happiness. More than just a size, the Octopus Crowe enables incredibly accurate control over vibration frequency sets that work indoors as well as externally.


Second Runner-up (Tie): We Vibe Review

Everyone needs to start somewhere and when it comes to G-spot stimuli we recommend We-Vibe Rave. It is fully featured with an ergonomic design that fits your body well and a size that fills but is not overwhelming. Powerful Rumble Vibrations are exactly what you should look for to satisfy not only your G-spot but also your clitoris, making it a great toy to help you figure out what you need. Are more excited than


Special mention – the best innovator: the Womanizer duo

The Womanizer duo won the Best Innovator Award for their incredible AirPlus technology. The wide mouth gives you enough flexibility to find your perfect position, which reduces the need for accuracy on the clitoris and allows you to go straight to the sweet spot. Anyone interested in a dual action toy will be hard pressed to find a better one than Womanizer Doo.


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