Lifestyle Blog: What Is It, How To Start, How To Make A Living Out Of It

Lifestyle Blog

A lifestyle blog is an online platform that is inspired by a blogger’s everyday life, personal hobbies, and areas of competence, and it typically contains material from more than one specialty or interest. Whereas some blogs are defined by their specialization – for example, a food blog – lifestyle blogs are typically distinguished by their breadth of themes. They are excellent niches for parents to enter because of their diversity. There are more intricate classifications, but if you wish to cover more than one specialty on your site, chances are it will fall into the lifestyle blog category.

If you wish to post recipes while also talking about home decoration, you’ll most certainly have a lifestyle blog. A lifestyle blog is a digital content depiction of its author’s daily life and hobbies. A lifestyle blogger generates material that is inspired and edited by their personal hobbies and day-to-day activities. That’s a kind way of saying: lifestyle bloggers write about their lives. Aside from that, establishing a lifestyle blog is pointless because it is depending on your ideas and creative objectives. Nobody is required to define your lifestyle blog. If you’re wondering what a lifestyle blog is and want to start your own, here’s some advice, don’t be concerned with labeling or packaging what you’re doing. Simply do it.

What Is A Lifestyle Blogging?

If you want to start a blog, don’t worry about terminology and instead focus on why you want to blog. Do you wish to write on a daily basis? Create blog entries that motivate and encourage others? Earn money? Create something unique and meaningful?

By definition, lifestyle blogs are broad and ill-defined. I operate an outdoors blog, but it could also be referred to as a lifestyle blog because the outdoor activity is a way of life. There are no rules, and labels are irrelevant. Simply build the blog that you wish to see in the world.

Having said that, the finest lifestyle blogs frequently have a similar thread running across all of their subjects and material. If someone maintains a lifestyle blog on healthy eating, exercise, and wellbeing, there is generally a common subject that connects all of the content.

Although it may be tough to discern in each individual post, the general topic of the lifestyle blog is clear as you read through the site.

If you’re having trouble selecting what to put in your lifestyle blog, start small and work your way up. Don’t attempt to do everything all at once. Instead, start with a few prominent topics that intrigue you and then grow from there. The combination of themes will reflect your hobbies, but it is advisable to stick to broad categories such as cuisine, travel, fashion, home décor, beauty, fitness, and family.

A Lifestyle Blogger’s Evolution

Many successful lifestyle bloggers may trace their roots back to a particular topic or category. As their viewership, audience reach, and affinity grow, these once-niche bloggers broaden their blog content verticals in order to share more and more of their personal lives with devoted fans who fell in love with their unique blog material. A well-established beauty blogger may choose to incorporate her daily fitness workout routines and favorite Paleo recipes into her current DIY make-up tutorial efforts in order to not only engage her audience further but also to increase her branded content sponsorships and social influencer marketing opportunities. Furthermore, when prominent lifestyle bloggers progress through various phases of their lives, many will document their experiences with children, family life, and travel.

What began as a fashion influencer or beauty blog has evolved into a lifestyle blog that effortlessly integrates and touches on everyday living themes such as cooking, family activities, home design, and travel.

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Why Start A Lifestyle Blog?

Starting a lifestyle blog is a great way to share your interest with the rest of the world. You can convert your hobbies and passions into a full-time blogging job if you do it correctly. But how can you establish and maintain a successful lifestyle blog? Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to do it. This article will walk you through the process of starting a lifestyle blog in simple steps. But first, let’s understand why people start a lifestyle blog

What Is A Lifestyle Blogging

1. Allow Your Voice to Be Heard

One of the primary motivations for beginning a lifestyle blog is to share your thoughts with a community of like-minded people. You may generate material as a lifestyle blogger that is inspired and edited by your own daily activities and personal interests. As a result, a lifestyle blog is an excellent tool for making your opinion heard.

2. Enhance Your Writing Ability

Another incentive to create a lifestyle blog is to hone your writing abilities. You may write about a range of themes, and you will be able to practice writing, as well as connect with your readers and read the work of other bloggers – all of which will ultimately enhance your own writing abilities.

3. Earn money

This is one of the primary reasons why people start blogs. And one of the reasons why many people opt to create lifestyle blogs, in particular, is because there are several methods to earn money from your blog. If you follow blog monetization best practices, you can make a lot of money with your lifestyle blog.

4. Discuss Your Favorite Products

Your blog as a lifestyle blogger will most likely be highly tailored to your region, time in life, or life experience. In any case, you will be able to express your thoughts on a variety of topics, including talking about the items you enjoy and sharing your thoughts on them with your audience.

5. Builder Of Resumes

If your lifestyle blog is a real supplement to your professional life, you can put it in the experience part of your resume under the heading “Lifestyle Blogger.” This is an excellent method to demonstrate your expertise, not only as a blogger but also in a variety of other relevant fields.

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How To Start A Lifestyle Blog?

If you want to begin your journey to blogging fame and wealth, knowing how to create a lifestyle blog should be your first stop. With your unique life and hobbies, a lifestyle blog is a wonderful way to get in front of more traffic.

A lifestyle blog contains highly visual material with a broad focus on a range of themes, all centered on the author and a specific hook. Your hook may be anything from beauty to the environment, but it must tie everything together in order to link information based on your hobbies, life, and worldview.

Whether you want to create a lifestyle blog from scratch or move from a specialized site, these six simple steps will show you how to establish a lifestyle blog:

How To Start A Lifestyle Blog

1. Select Your Hook

You must first select what your lifestyle blog will cover before you can consider the technical parts of how to create a lifestyle blog. If your life is what distinguishes a lifestyle blog from others, then the hook is what distinguishes it from a personal blog.


2. Purchase A Domain Name That Is Appropriate For Your Lifestyle Blog

Finding a domain name is one of the most overlooked tasks in how to start a lifestyle blog. With a decent domain name, visitors will be able to remember your blog and share it with their friends.

Finding the ideal name might be difficult, but it will be a lot simpler if you. Make a list of keywords, concepts, and seed words. Make a mental map, use a thesaurus, and think of your nickname to get a list of seed words. Keep your name between 6 and 14 letters long but not too lengthy. Avoid terms with numerous spellings and make them easy to speak and spell. There are no hyphens. There are no numbers. Both might be perplexing and appear spammy. Rather than cramming a keyword in, hint at the topic in the name. Be distinct and recognizable. Make it memorable and catchy.

3. Select A Platform And A Host

When you’ve gotten this far in learning how to create a lifestyle blog, it’s time to think about your platform and hosting alternatives. There are many of both, and you can even discover free blogging sites for your lifestyle blog.

However, if you intend to generate money from your blog and want the freedom to make changes as needed, we recommend WordPress.

Other choices, like Squarespace, can also provide you with packaged hosting, domain, and editing services, but at a little higher cost and without the devoted community.

4. Select A Theme

The theme of your WordPress site determines how it appears to visitors.

You may not have imagined how much time you’d need to discover the design of your dreams when you initially considered how to start a lifestyle blog. Choosing the ideal WordPress theme may be very consuming with 11,000 themes available on ThemeForest alone.

5. Important Non-Obvious Plugins

WordPress plugins allow you to extend the functionality of your lifestyle site.

If you know anything about blogging, you’ve probably heard that Yoast SEO is a must-have component of any excellent SEO toolbox. However, if you want to develop a successful lifestyle blog, you must concentrate on social media in order to attract visitors. Social media sharing and word of mouth will help you build your audience just as much as targeted keywords would.

6. Make Money

The final and most exciting stage in your how-to-start a lifestyle blog adventure is, of course, monetizing it. The good news is that there are several ways to monetize your blog. In reality, there are at least 17 excellent methods to profit from a lifestyle blog, but here are four of the best:

Because your lifestyle blog is a natural method to advertise items and services, affiliate marketing is at the top of the list. When you have a large enough following, sponsored posts are a strong contender. You may establish an advertising page and join networks such as TapInfluence. AdSense is simple to incorporate into your site and requires little to no maintenance.

Examples Of Popular Personal Blogs

Are you stuck in a creative slump and seeking lifestyle blog ideas? We will give you some lifestyle blog names which will help you in picking your own niche for your blog. Here are few best lifestyle blogs:

1. Love That Max

If you are the parent of a kid with a handicap or special needs, you will enjoy this site. It is the one of the best blogs to read.

Mom Ellen Seidman established this site to honor her son Max and connect with other parents of special needs children.

Parents from all walks of life may connect to her witty and informative writings because they share their struggles and victories, large and little.

2 Design For Mankind

Erin Loechner, author, wife, and mother, talks about educating her children, anticipating her third child, and how to slow down in life. She enjoys sharing her family’s favorite items and promoting her book “Chasing Slow.” It is one of the best personality blogs to read.

In her about page, she states unequivocally that there is no sales funnel, editorial schedule, or virtual assistant, only her and all her flaws. This blog will help you find some blog post ideas lifestyle.

​​3. Mr. Money Mustache

The author uses his blog to describe how he was able to retire early by being frugal. He also discusses what he does with his time now that he is no longer required to work for a wage. 

While Mr. Money Mustache occasionally has guest bloggers write for the blog, the blog is driven by Mr. Money Mustache’s signature wit and ongoing personal experiences with money. It is a new age lifestyle blog.

4. My Wife Quit Her Job

My Wife Quit Her Job recounts the narrative of Steve Chou and his wife, who created an internet enterprise that earns more than $100,000 each year. Jennifer, his wife, was able to quit her work and remain at home to raise the family’s children as a result of this.

Even if you don’t share the same aims as the blog’s operator, the site may teach you a lot about launching a home-based business. This one comes under the famous lifestyle blog names.

5. Meet Pat Flynn

Pat is one of the world’s most inspirational bloggers. He was forced to scurry to support his growing family after losing his job a few years into his profession.

Because of his candor and honesty, he has amassed a large following and readership. Pat continues to reveal his monthly profits to readers, which has motivated many people.

Pat presently attends business conferences, hosts a podcast for his followers on a regular basis, and spends as much time as he can with his family.

6. Meet Michael Arrington

Michael is one of every one’s all-time favorite blogs. He began his career as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer in California, focusing on technology transactions. After recognizing his enthusiasm for the startup industry, he decided to launch, a tech site where he highlighted and evaluated some of the world’s top up-and-coming digital firms and entrepreneurs.

As a result of becoming one of the most widely read blogs in the IT world, TechCrunch was acquired by AOL for $30 million dollars. Michael utilized the revenues from the sale to become an angel investor and to establish his own startup investment firm, CrunchFund. This blog is amongst the best under the category of “famous lifestyle blog names”

How Can I Monetize My Blog?

Your personal blog may be an excellent venue for launching a business concept or supporting a cause near and dear to your heart. But what if you wish to write only for the purpose of earning a passive income?

You may monetize your blog by doing the following:

  • turn become an affiliate marketer,
  • sell display advertisements,
  • utilize crowdsourcing,
  • Generate many sources of income

However, unless you have a genuine love for something or specialize in a certain subject, your personal blog may not meet the necessary criteria for monetization. Affiliate marketing may be an expensive undertaking for those who do not have a genuine passion.

How Can I Monetize My Blog


A lifestyle blog is a weblog in which the author talks about their own life, experiences, hobbies, or everyday activities. As a result, lifestyle blogs are frequently more personal than other sorts of blogs. Lifestyle bloggers use their own experiences to inspire others, rather than merely presenting the newest industry news or teaching readers about a subject. And you don’t have to limit yourself to just one topic when it comes to lifestyle blogging. You may produce content about topics that are important to you, such as parenting, food, fitness, beauty, college life, and everything in between.

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