Know Your Customer: Why KYC is Important in Financial area’s & why does it matter?

know your customer

Learn more about your customers because only they can assist you in generating more leads and business. Customer understanding is essential to providing them with quality service, which in turn fosters long-lasting customer relationships and increases sales through favorable word-of-mouth advertising. Understanding the psychology of your clients, however, is difficult and frequently calls for careful investigation to pinpoint their preferences or buying habits so that you may anticipate their requirements and go above and beyond their expectations.

Organizations can identify and validate customers with the aid of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. The risk of unintentionally working with people or organizations engaged in illegal activity or money laundering is minimized by performing customer due diligence and identity verification. This is crucial for banks, financial institutions, owners of online gaming sites, and other businesses that fraudsters routinely target.

Track Customers’ Real-Time Behavior:

Nothing less than a seamless experience across traditional and digital touch points is required by today’s customers. A company must be prompt and proactive in order to accomplish this. Before the actual request is placed, it must anticipate the consumers’ wants in order to provide them across all platforms.

And only when you have a technology that allows you to see into the customers’ behavior in real time can all of this take place. A customer relationship management application (CRM) that offers in-depth analyses of the customers’ activity is advised by experts. The email marketing feature of CRM is one of the best examples to support this.

Strong email marketing capabilities with real-time tracking are offered by the majority of well-known CRMs.

You can use the program to Keep tabs on the effectiveness of your email marketing activities.

Track the success of each campaign using variables like Total Sent/Tried; Opened/Viewed; Link clicked; Unsubscribed; Invalid or bounced

Making a list of the preferences of your target audience can help you better understand them.

showcasing their preferences using Bar, Pie, and Line charts with rich context for rapid analyses.

Identify categories of your Customers

They cannot be grouped together without resulting in generic cross-selling activities that are fruitless. It’s critical to comprehend the several criteria by which you can divide up your clientele. Consider things like the kind of goods or services they purchase, how often they do so, where they are located, etc.

It is simpler to create precise marketing and cross-selling efforts with tailored message once the categories have been established and the clients have been divided. It goes without saying that these efforts increase value for both your company and your clients.

Know Your Customer Verification: 

The process of gathering information and ensuring that it is truthful and accurate is known as KYC verification. The entire effort of compiling such data loses value if the information is not verified. You cannot be assured that the data provided genuinely pertains to your consumer without confirming the information. It’s possible that your customer is lying. In order to exploit your services for their illicit purposes, dishonest consumers will expect that your verification procedure is weak.

Verifying the information you have been given is perhaps possibly the most crucial step in the KYC procedure. It need not be difficult, though. For instance, if you want to verify a prospective client’s address, you may just ask them for a bank statement or utility bill with their address on it. Although this is a frequent practice, it can aid in information verification. A copy of a government-issued ID can be used to authenticate names after being shown as a standard way of data verification.

Difference between Kyc & Aml:

While KYC and AML are both procedures set up to assist reduce crime, anti-money laundering focuses specifically on preventing the entry of money acquired unlawfully so that it cannot later become legal. Because of this, KYC frequently forms a part of a much bigger and more comprehensive AML framework.

AML will be a routine procedure carried out in the background of a corporation on an ongoing basis. An excellent illustration of this would be transactional monitoring. Questionable activity on a client’s account would be able to be highlighted by an effective AML framework. However, it would never be a part of a known customer procedure. That conduct can then be scrutinized as part of an anti-money laundering effort.

At the outset of an AML procedure, a financial company knows your customer method is quite important. At this point, a business should perform considerable customer due diligence to determine whether a potential customer is reliable.

By doing this, a business can determine whether the potential client is an appropriate person to conduct business with. It is up to the rest of the AML framework to bring up any potential difficulties in the future if the KYC procedure fails to raise any warning signs. Additionally, a KYC procedure may identify a consumer who may constitute a risk for money laundering, requiring them to be monitored more closely than other customers who pose a smaller risk.

Automate Kyc Procedure:

KYC processes must be implemented immediately because they are a legal necessity. However, they can be extremely time-consuming, exhausting, and boring. They can also be prone to oversight when handled by people. If the KYC process failed to identify any dangers due to carelessness, oversight could make your organization exposed in the future.

Therefore, there are many advantages to automating the procedure. In addition to ensuring that the data is reliably collected and checked, automation can free up staff time in your organization.

Numerous automated procedures implemented by Contractbook will lessen the administrative burden that KYC may become. Our technology may be used to boost a business’s production and guarantee

However, having an automated KYC procedure in place would ultimately enhance your customers’ interaction with your business. Using software like ours will help your organization appear very competent to your clients because customers detest the KYC process just as much as businesses do. Customers find the KYC process to be painless thanks to our sophisticated technology, which boosts a business’ professionalism and credibility.


One of those things that must be done is KYC. It will assist in preventing your business from taking part in unlawful activities or from experiencing reputational harm as a result of being associated with undesirable clients. Such a thought can inspire you to keep developing your KYC procedures and to explore ways to automate them so that you always comply with the law.

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