Let Your Home Shine With These Tips For Choosing a Perfect Colour Palette

Colour Palette

The construction phase of your new home is only the beginning. What follows is the decoration which may be a daunting process. Choosing a colour scheme for a full house is a difficult part of interior design. Nowadays, there’s a lot of pressure to have your house look photogenic at all times. However, a well-decorated house doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and effort. You’ll get a lot of compliments on your new custom house if you follow these basic colour-picking suggestions.

Implement the 60-30-10 rule

Make use of the 60-30-10 guideline while selecting the colour scheme for both the exterior and the interior of your home. The majority of your house, somewhere around 60 percent should be covered in your primary colour of choice. Note that here we’re not talking about primary colours such as red, blue, and yellow, the term rather just signifies the dominating colour of your choice. Currently, neutral colours are the trending option for primary colours. Your secondary colour which is best being a complementary colour to your primary choice should cover around 30 percent of the room or the exterior. When we’re talking about the exterior it should be used for gables and accessories. Finally, the last 10 percent should be reserved for the accent colors, for example, the trims of your exterior. With these guidelines in mind, you’ll get the best results possible and achieve the right balance between the colours in your painting.

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The quality of the paint is important

When you’re choosing the right colour, most of us will go through the colour palette brochures given by your local paint store. However, the quality of the paint is what will guarantee you that these colours will look exactly the same on your wall as they do on the leaflet. This is why it’s important to carefully consider the paint company you’ll give your money and trust to. It’d be devastating to opt for lemon yellow and after the paint dries you find out that it looks more like canary. SK Group Oz will ensure that all your favourite colours look exactly like you see them on the sample sheets. Their colours will work perfectly for both the interior and the exterior of your home. Finally, you don’t have to worry about the end result when you know your paint is designed by a trustworthy company.

Get inspiration from art

You probably know that one piece of art that inspires you every time you look at it. Why wouldn’t you turn your favourite room into a piece of art too? Look at the colour combinations in the painting you love. The same palette may work for one of your bedrooms too! If you’re not an art connoisseur, you should then do some research online to find a photo that will inspire you. You may even look at photos of other people’s rooms and see what worked for them. Pinterest, for example, is a great way to start! You may even make different folders for different rooms in the house so you can have everything neatly organized.

Go monochromatic

If you’re having issues with choosing your primary, secondary, and accent color, then maybe this so-called “rule of three” is not for you. That’s fine! You would then feel more at ease in a monochromatic space. Here you need to opt for only one color and make it a star of the show. For example, if your favorite color is purple, then you can incorporate various hues of it into the design. This works perfectly for smaller rooms, for example, your kitchen or bathroom. However, having literally everything in one color can be a bit tiring for the eyes which is why you should choose one neutral color such as beige, for example, to serve as a resting point. 

Customizing your home’s color palette might be a challenging undertaking. Even though these tips are helpful, at the end of the day it is all about you and your property. You should never put trends before your own preferences when deciding on your colour palette.

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