The Entrepreneur Capitalising on the Remote Working Model

the Remote Working Model

“A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work” – Colin Powell

The concept of remote working seemed too good to be true in the previous decade. When asked about it, business owners often neglected it as if it was a crime that they didn’t want to commit. However, as the new decade began, it opened up new opportunities for benefiting from remote work in different scenarios on the business forefront. The COVID-19 outbreak led to business leaders wrapping their heads around ways to help their businesses survive through it. All of a sudden, the remote working model was not only accepted but also appreciated.

It took some time, but several organisations thrived under this model. One such business leader who  took this method and potentially made it his own is Rikard Hegelund, the cofounder of Klingit – a Stockholm-based creative tech company. Klingit solely on the remote working model, without border restrictions, unlike any other company.

Generally, it’s hard to manage a remote working model. There are many organisations that found it difficult to lead teams during lockdown restrictions. However, Hegelund not only led teams but also hired a workforce from all parts of the world. He claims that by ridding themselves of hiring resources from the same city or country, they are able to maximise their business outcomes significantly. When asked about the concept of remote working, he said,

“Working remotely is based on having result-oriented tasks, focusing on individual performance. It can definitely be effective, but we are all usually, in the long run, dependent on having some kind of context.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Hegelund has worked on a unique business model. In 2017, he started a venture called “Workaround” that helped provide small businesses with shared office spaces on a rental basis. He understood that Sweden, and particularly Stockholm, are start-up hubs in Europe. These companies start with one or two employees and slowly expand their workforce.

Hegelund recognised that finding a separate office space with two or three workers can be quite troublesome. So, Workaround helped them get on their feet before they expanded their operations. He believes that after these small start-ups generate enough revenue, they can always find a different workspace. It’s about providing these business owners with the opportunity to expand their horizons. Furthermore, it’s also a great way for office space owners to generate some side income. They can use the amount generated to invest further in their business. In an interview, he said, “Our goal is to help contractors with office space. We can help them rent at a cheaper price at locations which they would not have been able to afford”. So, it’s like a win-win situation for them.

Similar to Klingit, Workaround was also a remarkable idea, and it paid dividends quickly. In 2017, Workaround achieved sales up to SEK 13 mission, as compared to their sales of SEK 1.7 million in 2016. Hegelund also reported that this provided a collaboration ground for the business owners who were previously just working under the same roof.

Both of Hegelund’s ventures are a work of genius. However, his attitude to help the community has been his driving force to succeed. Although Workaround was acquired by another organisation, Hegelund continues to work his magic on Klingit. He, and the company’s cofounder, Teddy Wold, suggest that they are looking to take their business to the next level. The best part about that the company’s expansion will still follow the remote working model.

So, along with contributing to the economy, Hegelund and Klingit are providing opportunities to professionals around the globe to work with a large-scale organisation from their homes. After all, they have managed it till now, so there’s no reason to believe that they can’t do it in the future.

Currently, Klingit is rapidly improving its position in Stockholm. However, it may seem like that it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Rikard Hegelund and Klingit are currently working on adding digital marketing to their list of services. It’s quite evident how the remote working model is helping Klingit. So, its not farfetched to believe that other companies can succeed in its footsteps, and it’s only a matter of time until other businesses get in on the act.



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