Uses and Advantages of Corporate Intranet Portal

Employee intranets are designed to quickly distribute information to employees, make common internal business processes more efficient, and provide a sense of community within the organization. In essence, an intranet is a company-specific private website that looks like this:

Share news about what’s happening within different departments

Send alerts with information and potential actions that employees need to know

Provides forms for processing various internal processes such as vacation requests, purchase orders, expense claims, etc.

Provides a central repository of policies, procedures, and document libraries for online versioning of all policy and procedure documents.

Organize your employee intranet solution community using collaboration features such as blogs and discussion boards

The Corporate Intranet Portal includes a personalized home page that is specially tailored for each employee, dynamically built using a set of rules to retrieve content based on the current user’s role, department, and location. can also do. By tagging content and matching it to the current user, only the content that is appropriate for the current user is displayed.

  1. Content management

One of the most common uses of a company’ is content management. The intranet allows you to save and share your company’s documents in an easy-to-use and searchable location. In addition, some intranets are also integrated with third-party file-sharing apps such as SharePoint, Dropbox, and Box, making it easy to find what you need, no matter where you store it.

The company intranet can also document knowledge in the form of wiki articles. The end result is a central knowledge base full of easily updatable company information with version control and automatic notification when content changes. To help everyone maintain their brand, many intranets also have a brand knowledge base to store and organize creative assets and other brand resources.

  1. Team collaboration

With the rise of remote work and virtual teams, it is important to be able to leverage the intranet as a team collaboration tool. Managing team projects using email and shared drives can be complex and unnecessarily time consuming. Instead, you can create a team room on your corporate intranet portal to share files, important dates, and progress updates. Everything is included, organized and easily accessible to team members wherever they are.

5.HR program

Employee experience is the primary focus of many organizations, so it is imperative that the corporate intranet portal be available at all stages of the employee’s life cycle. From onboarding to learning and development, awards and promotion announcements, all employee-focused programs and news are accessible via the Employee Intranet Solution portal.

First, we will create an onboarding center that brings the company’s mission, vision, and values ​​to the fore and introduces the company’s culture to new employees. Then weave the same message through our employee intranet solution portal handbook and recognition center to ensure consistency everywhere.

Are you making the most of your corporate intranet portal?

All of these use cases can be addressed using a variety of tools, each with its own technical requirements and adoption barriers. But with a more modern digital workplace platform, you can combine them all (and more) into one digital destination.

Like many large organizations, you may already be using an intranet. It has become a staple as the workplace continues to be driven by digital tools. But ask yourself. What purpose does it serve? You are already investing in technology. The important thing is that we are using it for its intended purpose and beyond. Think about the business value that you can achieve with a little effort.

You may not have an intranet yet, or you may be looking for a better solution to one or more of the above use cases that your current intranet cannot handle. In that case, we will help you. Find out more about Igloo Intranet solutions or start with one of our digital workplace experts to discuss your specific needs today.

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